This is an interesting strategy.
Not everyone’s cup of tea for sure, but very interesting 🙂
See what you think…
This is work from home and it involves a website called Studypool and it’s a study resource site.
The documents you can upload can include practice exams and quizzes, old homework notes, and typed or written notes are fine, and this works in any language or country.
This is also great for anyone who doesn’t want to speak to anyone, do any selling, and wants to do it in their own time.
It gives you the flexibility to work whenever you want.
You can upload as many documents as you like, although the more you upload the more income you’ll make from them.
If you search the Studypool website for ‘sell docs’ in the top right toolbar, you’ll see how it works.
Their current top earner has earned $82,720 from the documents he’s uploaded.
You can also register as a tutor and get paid (more) for that, too, if that’s your background or interest.
So here’s how the document uploading thing works:
You sign up for a free account, and you can start uploading documents.
You can earn up to $10 any time a student views one of your documents.
In short, you’re providing your past homework, class notes, study notes, and exams so current students can pay to view and learn from them.
Once uploaded, you’ll be notified if Studypool accepts or declines your documents.
You can bulk upload too.
You can upload PDF files, JPGs, doc files, zip files, etc.
You get notified when you make a sale; you can view and withdraw your earnings via your account.
You can use PayPal or Payoneer to do this.
That’s the overview…
What about reality?
Well, personally, I like this because you can upload different kinds of formats, and once uploaded, you can make multiple sales from the same document over and over.
Interestingly the top earners who are also tutors have made around $402,000 so there’s obviously a lot more earning potential in tutoring than in just uploading documents.
A couple of YouTubers claim to be making $5k a month from both uploading documents and tutoring.
The question is, how ‘creative’ can you get?
I haven’t looked into this in full, but if you could rewrite chapters from published study guides and then upload them as your own work (and let’s face it, most homework IS rewritten study guides), then it’s possible you could be onto a decent little earner.
I haven’t looked into the ownership/copyright issues you’ll probably have to agree to if you upload to Studypool, but I reckon there’s some potential here.
AND… hands-up all those people reading this instantly thought about creating a WarriorPlus product called ‘How To Make $5k A Month Uploading Documents Online”?
It was also fun to read about the Studypool ‘Honor Code’ (not my spelling), where they ‘trust’ students who pay to view articles not to use them to cheat, pass exams, or use them as their own work for their classes.
Yeah right 😉
More interestingly, content submitters (uploaders) also adhere to the same honor code and ‘promise’ that the work is theirs.
For me this isn’t a problem – if I was a student and wanted to know an outline of Napoleon’s Russian campaign I wouldn’t care where the source material came from as long as it was accurate.
There’s far too much to go into in detail when it comes to Studypool but it’s interesting, especially if you’re starting out online and need several income streams to keep things going.
As I said at the start of this article, it’s not for everyone but worth knowing about, especially if you get ‘creative’ with ways to monetize it.
You might not get to the $5k a month that some Youtubers and uploads claim but as a side hustle.
Worth a look.