Take as an example a strategy such as dropshipping as an example of how to make money online.
Most people who have looked into setting up an online business know about it to some degree.
Some of us have even tried it.
But if we’re honest it ends up being ‘just one of those methods’ for making money online that you read in lists, articles blogs and books.
You could say the same about ‘Become and affiliate marketer‘ or ‘Become an influencer’.
They’re just words and phrases.
Strategies we already know about so don’t pay much attention to.
They don’t mean much of anything because we’re all come across them before, and if we REALLY admit to ourselves the truth, we’re looking for some ‘secret’ not a technique that ‘everyone knows about’.
We’re all secretly hoping that we come across a blog article about how to make money online and suddenly, hidden in the list at number seventeen we find an undiscovered method where we just need to press the F7 key and the shift key at the same time and money will arrive in our bank accounts.
Obviously that method doesn’t exist (But I just tried it, just in case).
But just like one of those romance films where the star is searching unsuccessfully for love for most of the movie before realising that the right person has been their friend all along (yeah pass the sick bag)…
…so we too are only one step away from having those old, boring familiar methods make us rich.
I have a mate who is a pretty well-known marketer and does regular launches.
He tells me that the most often-used reason for refunds he gets for his products is ‘I already knew about this. Please refund’
And I think this is really interesting.
Because not only does it suggest that the buyer is looking for something totally new such as ‘How to get rich by tickling piglets’
But my marketing friend who sells these methods IS actually rich from doing them himself.
So, here’s the thing…
There are methods I know about for creating income streams that I won’t even TRY because I’m not interested in them.
BUT every now and again another marketer I know will tell me about someone who is making $100k a MONTH from doing that thing I don’t want to try, and it makes me think that perhaps I SHOULD look into it a bit deeper.
In all honesty I know I won’t because I love what I currently do, I’m very comfortable from doing what I do and well truth is I can’t be arsed.
(Yes – I’m totally aware of the phenomenon of ‘cant be arsed’ and I’m good at finding ways around that for my private clients who feel the same).
Here’s my point…
The other day I was watching a YouTube video.
It was some guy who visited the richest areas in a city – it might have been Miami or Orlando – and knocks on the doors of these huge, obviously multi-million dollar houses to ask the residents how they made their money.
Most didn’t speak to the interviewer – one even sent a dog out when he pressed the gate intercom.
Bit the ones that did speak to him were fascinating.
There were brokers, doctors, chain store owners.
But the one that stuck with me was the young guy who strolled out of a multi-million-dollar house in shorts and flip flops.
He’d made his money from dropshipping.
And from there he’d gone into crypto, and managing crypto investment funds.
But his big breakthrough seemed to be from drop shipping. And I thought ‘Wow’.
Because dropshipping has always been one of the ‘things’ in those boring lists that tell you how to make money from home.
The ones we always read and skim past because ‘we already know about it’.
Yet it bought this chap a beach-front mansion.
And it’s not until you actually see someone who’s made it work for them in a big way, that you actually, REALLY ‘get it’.
It’s a nice gentle slap-based reminder to keep an open mind and not to write things off.
There are highly successful people out there who use those ‘obvious’ methods most of us write of as being too obvious.
Maybe revisit them from time to time, eh? 😉