So how do you get yourself into a position where you don’t have to sell your products anymore?

Or not sell them HARD at the very least.

Well, you become a trusted authority.

And you create a tribe of fans who come to you to buy whenever and whatever you release.

You establish yourself as an expert  (writing a book is a good way to do this) and as the ‘Go To’ guy or gal in your niche.

Bit I haven’t done thins.

So how come when I release products they always sell really well, and many of my subscribers buy them without even reading the salespage first?

It’s because I chose the OTHER way of getting myself into a position where I no longer have to sell my products:

By writing about what I DO, and what I KNOW as well as what I TEACH.


If you’re just getting into wild camping (those crazy wonderful people who sleep alone on mountain tops with bare minimum equipment) and you need a top grade, all-weather, single person tent…

How are you going to decide which one to choose?

Well, you could Google online companies who all list their tents’ technical specifications, weight, size and colour.

Yes you might do that.

Or a mate you’ve known for years who is a wild camper and who says ‘I use this model of tent, been using it for years, even slept on the top of Ben Nevis in February in it, not let me down once’

Most people will go with the personal recommendation from someone who knows their stuff.

And I worked out years ago, that sharing what you do, what you think and what your take on something is…

…is immensely powerful when it comes to selling products.

You’ve probably bought products about how to make money online that try to cover all angles right?

They say:

‘You could do it X way, but some people think that Y way works better. There is also Z method which is also known to work’

They’re bland, boring and not very helpful.

Instead look at the products that inspired you and got you interested in internet marketing…

Probably they were from opinionated marketers who strongly say ‘I recommend you do it this way’

Or ‘I hate that method so I do this instead’

If youre trying to learn, you want to hear firm decisions.

A solid direction.

Like the hero in a disaster movie who says ‘Right, we’re going to have to convert the school bus into a hovercraft and escape the volcano that way!’

A firm decision!

Perhaps not always the right one, but when it’s honest and the outcome is shared too, it’s often more valuable than other things that ‘might’ work.

It’s also about people wanting to know that you are thoroughly convinced your way will work.

It’s like the time I fixed the washing machine and my wife said ‘Is it supposed to sound like that?’

‘Yes, absolutely’ I stated.

Confidence 🙂

There are a thousand ways to make million dollars online right?

But I don’t want a list of the ways to do it.

I want a case study of someone who did it a certain way or who believes in a certain method!

I want to hear about the personal elements, the things that worked and especially the things that didn’t

Personal is relatable.

Personal sells.

Or rather personal doesn’t NEED to sell – not as hard anyway.

I have my favourite marketers.

They’re usually successful – but so are a thousand other marketers.

They teach methods that work – but there are a hundred ways to achieve that same goal

They are experts in their field – but everyone’s a bloody expert these days right?

So why do I buy their stuff without even thinking about it?

Because I LIKE how they do things.

I like how they think.

I like their opinions.

I like their approach.

And once they have a follower like me, they don’t really have to sell me on their stuff any more.

Because Im queueing up to buy it as soon as its available.

So the take away?

If you’re not sharing your opinion on things, sharing some personal stuff and letting the world know what yo think about things…

…you’re probably making selling a lot harder than it should be for you.

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